Saturday we attended church with the Ramirez family to listen to them sing. What beautiful voices! I keep joking with them and saying that they are Filipino version of the Von Traps of Sound of Music! Then went on a beach trek to Tarague Tide pools. It was awesome! We followed a little path through the woods and came to a beach. I thought to myself, aw, man. The tide is in so there's nothing to see. We started to set up our towels when Chris took a little walk down another path and then came back with great news that the tide pools were a little bit further down the beach. We couldn't see them where we were because shrubbery was blocking our view. When we followed Chris down the other path it opened up to an explorer's wonderland. I was in HEAVEN! Many, many tide pools stretched out before us with lots of little goodies to discover. Chris found an octupus! It was a small one but once it spotted us it hid pretty well. Dani and I with the boys found something strange that looked like a sea snake but acted more like a sea cucumber until it lunged for Ryan's foot. (That nearly made me pee my pants!) There was tons of little crevices, nookies and crannies to explore. It was a great time and my only regret was that I did not find this place sooner. We ate at Bamboo Willies, played some frisbee and called it a day....a really, really great one!By the way...can you tell that collages are my new thing? It's a fun way to get a lot of pictures on here rather than uploading them one at a time. Special thanks to Dot for telling me how to do it!
9 years ago
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