Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tyler's first best friend
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/31/2008 10:42:00 PM 0 comments
Tyler turns 3!!!!
Today my little munchkin turned 3 years old. I can't believe how fast he's grown. He has such a sweet spirit and is a very laid back kinda guy. We were going to go on a jungle river boat cruise but decided against it because Logan wasn't feeling well the day before and we didn't want to be stuck on a boat if we had to go pick him up. It's better to do the boat ride with him anyways. I was also feeling a little under the weather but I managed to decorate a cookie cake with a strange looking spiderman...baking and decorating are just not my things but I try! Check out the progression of the cake to get a good laugh. (It sorta melted in the oven and went everywhere!)Here's Logan "helping" his little brother open his presents.
I had to get a picture of our happy baby. He's especially happy when he's in his bouncer bouncing around.
We got Tyler a really cool alternative to the T-ball. The ball hangs by a magnetic pole and if you step on the peddle it places another ball at the end. Very high-tech for T-ball!
Here's their tough faces. They were acting like pirates. Speaking of pirates, Tyler and I were in the Micronesian Mall yesterday and an indian man walked by wearing a turban. Tyler jumped up and started yelling, "Look Mommy! It's a pirate!!!!". I just about spewed coke from nose out of embarrassment. Kids say the darndest things!
At the end of the afternoon/evening Tyler's friend, Emma came over to bring him a present. They were hitting the palm tree in our front yard and I heard Tyler start to scream while rubbing his face. I ran over to him and saw a Boonie bee stinging him on the nose!! Boonie bees are awful little bees that do not lose their stingers when stinging someone and they are very aggressive if threatened. Logan was stung several times before by one bee and this time Tyler got it three times right on the nose! Poor guy! He's doing better now. Our poor little friend Emma was stung on her knee as well. She had a big swollen spot where it got her. Nasty things!
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/31/2008 03:11:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A day in the life of a stay at home mom
More playtime with the camera. Tyler was having a great time jumping on the cushions of the couch and playing "baby" with the baby. Poor Tyler was sick yesterday and vomited all over the cushions so that's why the covers are off in this picture. As you can see he's feeling better ;-)
I brought the cake to school for Mrs. Sablan and she was very surprised. We all made cards for her and decorated them with bubble paint. What a mess! Can you imagine 11 kids with a pie plate of water and paint blowing bubbles into it? I must have been crazy to do that project! But they loved it so it was all worth the mess.
After we went home we had friends of ours over for a "combined" dinner. It was fun and very yummy!
Here's Ryland all tuckered out after a long day.
More pictures of our busy day are in the web album.
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/29/2008 04:16:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
fanogue chamoru
This is the Guam Hymn. Logan sings the whole thing in class every day.
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/27/2008 04:44:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Just had to share....
This is my absolute favorite hair product. I'm always on the lookout for something new for my wavy/frizzy hair and I've finally found THE one product that will let me wash and go without the frizz (especially in this humid climate!). I know I sound like a commercial here but I know some of my readers (ok, family!) have the same hair texture as I do and I just wanted to share. It's a product by Paul Mitchell called Thicken Up. You can put it in your hair when it's wet and let it air dry.
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/25/2008 05:57:00 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Coco, the Coconut Crab
Today Chris brought a present home. This "little" guy was found near his work. He decided to bring him home to show us. He even asked me if I wanted to keep him as a pet...he must have lost his mind! That thing snapped a pencil in half earlier...don't want it near me! We traveled around the neighborhood showing people and then ended up releasing him near the old flight line. My friend Theresa decided to stick a Pampered Chef bamboo utensil in there to poke it and he grabbed it! He eventually let go but there was noway we were going to get it out of his iron grip. It had a hold of a twig that Chris stuck in there and I made the mistake of pulling up on it. Well he grabbed the side of the garbage can with his little claw and wouldn't let go!! I started screaming and Chris grabbed the twig. I had to run into the garage and get a golf club so I could push it back into the garbage can. I pushed with all of my might and he eventually let go. I was so freaked out after that. I had no idea what those things did when released so I was imagining it snapping a few of the kid's toes off.The underbelly is a beautiful blue. That's about the only nice thing I can say about this creature.
Here's a neighbor/coworker/friend of our's, Dave, holding it up for the kids to see. It actually has a hold of iron rod.
This is Tyler running away from it screaming because it moved (while in the garbage can). He's not a fan of crabs.
Here's a friend of mine, Kris's little girl, Emma with the boys. She is not your typical girly girl...she can keep up with the boys. They love it when she comes over.
Here's Emma's baby sister, Kate. She is the sweetest little baby.
I volunteer at Logan's school every thursday and we do some fun stuff. Today we played all kinds of outdoor games. We all had a blast. Here are a few of Logan's friends.
Note: More "lovely" pictures of the crab in the web album.
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/24/2008 03:43:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Beach Trekking at FaiFai Beach
Today we went with our friends, The Miller family to Gun Beach and then on to Fai Fai Beach. We walked all down the length of Fai Fai until the beach ended very near to the bottom of Two Lover's Point or Puntan de los Amantes...or at least I think that's what it's called.
We had a great time and they invited us over their house for a barbecue. YUM! They have these cool seats that look like bean bags but they are HUGE and called LoveSacs. They are awesome! You can pick the boys up and fling them onto them and they love it. The more you jump onto them the fluffier they get. For those of you in the states I highly recommend you get one. They won't ship here though ;-( They are super comfortable and have all different sizes from a one person to a sac that fits 5-6 people.
Note: All of the slide pics are available to be viewed individually in the web album.
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/21/2008 02:34:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
We must be crazy...
Last night I had a my first (and last!) Pampered Chef Party. I made a ton of food which thankfully was all eaten. All except the chocolate fondue. We let the boys gorge themselves on the chocolate tonight...hence the title for this post...
Here's Tyler, the fiercest pirate to sail the waters of Guam. He looks kinda like my side of the family. All of my uncles have beards so this is a little preview of what he might look like as an adult!I just noticed my little chocoholic has it in his hair. He's usually pretty clean when he eats this stuff....doesn't want to waste any on his face!
This is the picture I promised of Ryland in the bike helmet before our bike ride. Unfortunately the camera died so I couldn't take anymore.
Below is a video of Ryland eating for the first time. I gave him butternut squash and he loved it! I don't think I'll have any problems with this tank eating. ;-)
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/19/2008 02:51:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
Something funny
I really wish that I camera handy for what happened today. After dinner we decided to go outside and ride bikes for a bit. Logan and Tyler had previously taken their shirts off because they like to pretend that they are "hi-ya" guys...Logan's term for kung fu guys. I thought, oh boy, do we look like the little rednecks on the street or what...
Logan had his helmet on so he looked like he had a HUGE head on this little skinny body. He rode his bike down to the end of the driveway to stop and wait for me. While he was waiting a car drove by and put his arms up (like a body builder would flexing his muscles) and posed for the car. The woman stopped, rolled down the window laughing and said that he was the cutest thing. My reaction was to give off an embarrassed chuckle and tell Logan...go put your shirt on! It was too funny!
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/14/2008 03:10:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Morrison Happenings...
On Friday we had awards chapel at Logan's school. He got two awards, one for outstanding reading and the other for best helper. Yeah Logan!
Ryland was quiet as a mouse during the ceremony...of course that's because he fell asleep right after this picture was taken!Here's Logan and Tyler with Logan's award. Tyler had to go up with his brother to accept the award. He thinks he's in Logan's class!
On Saturday we went to Hotel Nikko and spent the day at the pool. Our friend's, The Miller family, met us there and we all had lunch at the NASTY buffet there but it was free with the membership. Just glad that we didn't have to pay for it. All of the adults took turns going down the slide that was at the pool. I have to admit I did scream going down the first time but was ready to go on it as soon as I got out. Logan wasn't ready to brave the slide but I'm sure he'll be up for it next time since he saw how much fun we all had. Tyler is game for it but he's too small.
Here's the boys all resting after a long swim in the pool. Afterwards the scoured the grounds for the many lizards that like to hang around.Here's Aaron enjoying Guam's finest shaved ice. It actually has ice cream in the middle! I had watermelon and cantaloupe flavor and it was SO good. Poor Aaron...I should make everyone sign a disclaimer before they hang out with me..."Warning: You will eventually have your picture taken and appear on my blog."
Here's Carrie the Caraboa...or at least that's what I call her. Her owner takes her up and down Marine Corps Drive all the time for walks. I've seen someone walk a dog, I've even seen someone walk a horse...but a CARABOA?!?!
Unfortunately my camera's battery went dead before I could document our bike ride today. Logan rode his bike and Ty & Ry rode in the bike trailer behind Chris. We put the toddler helmet on Ryland and he was NOT happy. I did get a picture of it but haven't uploaded it yet. We had a great time going on the old flight line because the wind was blowing, the sun was setting and the temp was perfect. I had a good time getting my exercise in today!
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/13/2008 03:27:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
On Vacation...for an afternoon!
Well we ended up getting the membership this weekend and we are really glad we did. It felt like we were on vacation! It's fun to drive 20 minutes down the road and hang out at a resort. Not sure that you can do that in the states so I guess it's another thing that is unique to Guam. The baby's first playtime in the pool was a success! He loved it and kept kicking his little legs in the water. He was so wiggly and wanted to follow the boys so bad. He's been a wiggle worm since birth! I remember the dr saying "Wow, he sure is wiggly!" as soon as he was born. The boys had a great time and Logan made a friend, a little Japanese girl that didn't understand a word of english. Logan kept asking me "Why isn't she telling me her name??".
Here's a front view of the hotel, close up.
Little things excite us here on Guam. I'm sure you see plenty of new restaurants in the states, but when we get a new restaurant here the whole island shows up! This restaurant has been open for a month and has been packed every night!
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/07/2008 05:49:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
On Wednesday Chris had the day off so we used that opportunity to get Ryland a passport. When it comes in I'll take a picture of the picture (make sense?) because it is so funny. The lady taking the picture said (in my best japanese accent) HE KEEP MOVING! Chris said...HE's THREE MONTHS! It took us almost two hours at the passport office. That was FUN with three boys. We decided to go to the tourist section of Guam for lunch at TGI Fridays. We stopped at Hotel Nikko (see below) because we are going to get a membership there to use the facilities. There is a great big waterslide that Logan is anxious to use.Just a small part of the tourist section. We tend to avoid this usually because it's packed with tourists. There is a lot of stares and pointing (and a few pictures taken of the boys) because we have a little blonde boy with blue eyes. Poor Ryland has those great big blue eyes so I'm sure he'll be an object of fascination for them too. I guess it's not something that they see every day so the Japanese usually stop us and "admire" Tyler. He doesn't like it too much and Logan is all too willing to pose for them.
Here I am looking all tired and serious. Spending almost two hours trying to keep the boys occupied in the passport office took it's toll I guess.
Can you tell that Chris is high energy at the moment? Well maybe it's because I HAD THE BOYS in the van with me while he waited in a nice air conditioned building! haha!
Tyler and Captain Mustard!
Posted by ChAmLoTyRy at 1/03/2008 04:19:00 PM 0 comments