Monday, December 31, 2007

Blessings in 2007

Last night, on New Year's Eve, I made a list of blessings that have happened to me over the last year. I came up with 10 but here are the top 5:

  1. RYLAND! The Lord brought me through the darkness of a horrible pregnancy (IV's every other day, 30lb weight loss, hard delivery, etc) and produced a beautiful, HEALTHY baby boy!
  2. Our new home- Against all odds the Lord gave us a great new home with a garage AND a huge kitchen which was something we prayed for. We were told that we would not get into a house (any house) until after the baby was born and that we would definitely not get the house that we wanted. Guess the Lord had other plans for us because both things happened! WOO HOO!
  3. Guam- As some of you may know already, I've had a hard time adjusting to this place. BUT after over a year I'm finally happy here! (This has been a HUGE struggle for me!)
  4. School- I could not be happier with the school that Logan is attending. He has learned so much already. He has started reading (I can't spell things to Chris anymore!) and has become a whiz at math. Tyler loves his teachers at the CDC also. He only goes twice a week but I'm comfortable leaving him with them and he always has a good time.
  5. Mom- I know that she'll kill me for putting this on here but I truly count this has one of my blessings. My mother has had quite the struggle over the last few months with things that I won't mention but she has slowly come to depend on the Lord for strength. I continually see her relationship with Him blossom and that for me is AWESOME!
Ok so I listed my top 5 here. I encourage you to come up with your own list of the last year and reflect on the many blessings that you've been given. May the Lord reign blessings on you in the New Year!