Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ryland and Troy

This is Ryland's friend, Troy. He is 12 days younger than Ryland and was born on the island of Palau, a small island south of Guam. He's the son of an awesome couple that were blessed to have a child a different way than some, by adoption. Isn't he such a cute baby!?! Ryland looks like a giant compared to him! Oh and that red stuff on Ryland is dermatitis (Eczema) if you were wondering. I think I might have to bring him to the dr for that since it's getting worse. Anyhow, my friend Theresa is babysitting Troy while his mommy and daddy run a marathon so she decided to bring him over for a playdate. See more pics in the album.


Unknown said...

Ryland is getting so big!! I can't believe he and Troy are just 12 days apart! I don't think you will have to worry about Logan and Tyler ever picking on Ryland, I think he will be able to take care of himself pretty well!
Thanks for the blog, you write so well!!!
Love, Mom in SC