1. Post rules on your Blog.
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
8 Favorite Shows:
- Amazing Race
- Survivor
- Heroes
- Friends
- Everybody loves Raymond
- King of Queens
- Grey's Anatomy
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
- Went to see Bolt at 1p and sat there for a half hour of High School Musical 3 before I realized that it didn't start until 3:30!! (Thanks CHRIS!)
- Watched Bolt
- Cooked dinner (fajitas)
- Changed poopy diapers (all day long! Poor Baby!)
- Watched TV
- Made Christmas presents
- Brushed my teeth
- Wrapped presents
8 Things I Look Forward To:
- Christmas
- AFTER Christmas when things go back to normal
- Seeing my family again
- Getting Ty into swim class
- Possibly going to BALI!! WOOT WOOT!
- A pay raise in Jan AND in March ;-)
- School starting after the holidays!
- Going on a new adventure (TN...sort of...will miss my friends!)
8 Favorite Restaurants:
- Vitale's
- Olive Garden
- Jamaican Grille
- In and Out
- Bob Nadeau's Sub Shop (NH)
- Cheesecake Factory
- Freemont House of Pizza(NH)
- My step-dad, John's house...does that count??
8 Things on my wish list:
- To be debt free
- A new lens for my beautiful camera
- to be 30lbs lighter
- To find a great church in TN
- To find great friends in TN (not that they would ever replace the ones I have now!) ;-)
- For healthy happy children (this is actually #1 but I'm too lazy to cut and paste!)
- A new puppy for the boys
- To find an awesome truck for my hubby
8 People to Tag:
- Dot
- Shelley (sis-in-law)
- Shelly (Sanchez)
- Christy
- Tori
- Rebecca
- Tina
- Theresa
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