Last week Ryland turned 7 months old. He's been crawling, or what he calls crawling, it's more of a dragging himself around kinda crawling. He also said MAMA but I'm not sure if he was deliberately saying it. I've tried to get him to say it for awhile now since the other two boys both said DADA first. Once he started pulling himself up in the crib he started to realize that he can do it in other places as well. I walked out of the room for a second and came in to find this...Last night we went to Denny's. Ryland was not enjoying his time in the high chair and wanted to be with us.
And finally...I couldn't miss my opportunity to blog about this place. From what we hear the Guam govt has requested that the owner stop building because it's started to affect the air traffic! He keeps going up and up! You should see this house at Christmastime...lights everywhere! If you look closely by the cars you can catch a glimpse of Elvis. If it looks like this on the outside I would LOVE to see what it looks like on the inside! Very eccentric, I bet!
9 years ago
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