Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We're Back!

We just returned from our trip to beautiful Oahu. I sure missed our island of Guam. The traffic is horrendous and road rage is out of control! I can't tell you how many times we were beeped at if we did not move immediately at a green light. Oh my gosh...and the roads are horrible! So many one ways....let's just say that I know Waikiki REAL well now.

Getting to Oahu was a bit of an adventure. We got up very early on Monday morning for a 5am roll call. There were 10 seats and we were the first on the list....lo and behold some active duty showed up with orders. Bumped from that flight. Next morning it was the same thing but we managed to get on the flight. Boy was it packed with cargo AND people! (I've got a few bad pics of our flight in the web album...we were actually not supposed to take pics while on the plane!)

Our greeting with Mamaw, PapPap, Aunt Shell Shell and Uncle Robb was a sweet one. It was their first time meeting our newest addition.

We HAD to hit up Chuck E Cheese while we were there. The kids had a blast! Logan is the master at air hockey now.
Next was our meeting with Grammy, RT, Auntie, Uncle Chris, cousin Ethan and another new addition to the family, Emerson...the first and only girl!
Can you tell I'm proud to meet her? I've got that kool-aid grin going!
The boys had a blast getting to know each other again. They haven't seen one another in almost two years!
Grammy with her babies.
Waiting for some ice cream.Dole Pineapple Plantation