On our trip up to the North shore we stopped a beach where people were jumping off of this huge rock. It looked a little scary to me but I'm afraid of heights!

The next day we all had fun shopping at the double decker NEX. Man, was that fun! For those of you that have been to Guam you'd understand...there aren't any choices here...pretty much what you see is what you get.

This is my favorite hotel in Waikiki. We didn't stay there because I'm sure it's waaaay out of our price range but I love the time period that it was built in. The garden area that this was taken from was so peaceful yet it was right in the middle of the bustling city.

Chris and I had the pleasure of going out (childless) with our good friends from Guam, Aaron and Jen Miller (they took this picture). Aaron had a conference at the same time that we were going and Jen decided to MAC over to HI to spend some time with Aaron and then fly on to CA. I had a really good time and regret that we didn't spend more time with them.

I love weird people. Who walks their dogs around in a baby stroller???
Apparently this guy...

This gives "Iron Chef" to a whole new meaning.

My mom met this man that told us about the best drive to see all of Waikiki. It was beautiful up there and I don't think that many people know about this place. There wasn't a single person there. Great place for a picnic if you ever get the chance to go there. The locals call it Tantalus Drive.

Best Buds

Germaine's Luau was great. We got to take pics with the entertainment before the show. Ryland got a big kick out of this guy, probably because he was so big! The boys decided at the last minute to jump into the picture. Logan was being all bashful because of the pretty girl.

This is our attempt of taking "professional" type pictures of all the kids. I took so many pictures and this is the only one that everyone is looking in the same direction.

Tyler and Logan winding down on our last night in Hawaii. Tyler kept saying "Look, no arms!" and Logan couldn't be outdone...he's missing a head!

Our vacation was a bit stressful at times because we had to coordinate with so many schedules but all in all I'm glad that we went. We were given a short time to see our families and it makes us miss them all the more. We will cherish our last year on Guam but anxiously look to the future when we move back to the states. If you'd like to see more photos check out the web album. I took 358!