Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lost his first toof

My little boy is growing up! The day I saw that tooth wiggling was one of excitement (for him) and sadness (for ME!!). He certainly is like his mama too because he was very apprehensive about losing his teeth (or change of any kind). He would proclaim that his teeth were "just babies!". When it really started wiggling we tried to coax him into tying a string around it to get it out but he simply was not having it. He eventually just lost it eating a pb&j sandwich. He said it tickled coming out. Guess that's a good thing since he has several more to lose and I think I'll go a little crazy if he reacts this melodramatically with the rest of them! ;-) Like I said....he's just like his mama.

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Tina said...

Yay...he and Ella have something in common...I haven't told her. I want him to tell we MUST get together!! :)